Boeing Introduces 2022 ecoDemonstrator - AVweb

Error: Wikipedia is proven to be biased, people keep editing it that way. Wonkipedia staff did finally block one jerk.

I recommend Alex Epstein’s book ‘Fossil Future’ for solid information and an explanation of the great value of fossil fuels to humans, and even to the environment.

And cut the ‘denial’ smear scam - why are you afraid of questions?

And try this quick sampling:
and illustration of incompleteness of climate science: History shows you can never go wrong betting against doomsday cults (over half a century of FAILED predictions by anti-human climate activists)


There is an apocalyptic mentality about, that wants to take affordable portable energy away from poor people.

Huh? Confused statement.

The challenge to doomsday merchants is to prove their claims, not the responsibility of questioners. The Chicken Little’s have mantras, like the lie of ‘consensus’ and ‘science’ which they define to match their emotionally-derived beliefs.

There’s much evidence doomsday criers are wrong, http://www.friendsof covers much.