Best Of The Web: Why Not Circular Runways? - AVweb

The article and video fail to answer a lot of questions that come to mind. What would the radius of such a circular runway need to be in order to fulfill all of the logistical and safety requirements for large heavy airliners and provide the stated utility of handling the traffic of four straight runways?

Approach and departure procedures would change and I’m not quite sure how that all would work. Instrument landing procedures in particular seem really impractical with this kind of setup, but maybe I’m not thinking of some obvious solution.

It would certainly be a new experience to land on a sloped and curved runway, I’d think it would feel a bit like a crosswind landing (you’d have to hold the outside wing up with aileron and perhaps a bit of opposite rudder to stay on the curved centerline) and it seems like there might be significant opportunities for catching a wingtip, but maybe not, assuming the runways were sufficiently wide.

I’m not going to hold my breath for this but it is an interesting concept.