Best Of The Web: Ukrainian Ace

The Military Show says Ukrainian pilots may have been underestimated by experts who claimed it would be years before they could use the F-16 effectively. At least one young pilot seemed to test that theory in mid-December.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Impressive feat, and deserving of note, but without the excessively florid narration.

Agree. Impressive work but the cruise missiles don’t shoot back.

I am amazed anyone actually believes any of this Bravo Sierra. Russia dominates the skies. They control all the airspace. If any of these old F-16’s even venture into Ukrainian airspace, they are history. C’mon AvWeb… do your research…this so-called engagement NEVER HAPPENED! Just as the long ago BRAVO SIERRA story of the “ghost of Kyiv”. There is no functioning Ukrainian Air Force. Just USAF b-roll, edited together masquerading as documentary fantasy of an event of wishful thinking,

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