The tailless aircraft appears to be China's latest design and video of it in flight went viral last week.
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The tailless aircraft appears to be China's latest design and video of it in flight went viral last week.
Early in my career I worked on the aero design of what was to become the Eurofighter. One of the many concepts we looked at in the early 1980s was very similar to this Chicom plane, but without all the bumps, blisters, and exposed inlets that lead to large radar cross sections. Communist China has huge internal problems and is hurling towards economic collapse. They should be more wise in spending money on their military, instead lowering taxes to become friendlier to their oppressed population…
Looks like a Chinese iteration of the old AVRO Arrow. Captain Jurakowski (R.I.P.) could give them some tips…
Wars aren’t won by one flashy jet, no matter how sleek or impressive it looks. The J-36? It’s just a shiny feather for Beijing to show off, another overhyped player in this endless pissing contest. Will it win a war? Not a chance. Will it stir the pot and light some fires under some people’s asses? Absolutely.
And here we are, stuck in the same tired cycle of chest-thumping and grandstanding, like a game of chess where every move risks blowing up in your face. Oh, and speaking of game-changers. Hey, how 'bout them drones?
You’re right Raf. Isaac Asimov said " the survival value of human intelligence has never been clearly demonstrated". That hasn’t kept us from developing sharper sticks to convince others that their view of what is acceptable isn’t what we agree with. Atomic weaponry changed the course of history for a brief period and now we’re here again. Technology will change the course of history yet again as Roman chariots did 2 millenia ago. The right flying machine may do so with help, though that’s somewhat unlikely. A.I. coupled with global surveillance and face recognition technology may just do that. May you live in interesting times…
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