Best Of The Web: Blancolirio Turbine Otter Crash Summary - AVweb

“Probable Cause” guy (D.G.) knows his stuff and does his research. In his video the day before
Juan’s he stated he had done 30 hrs of research and found some interesting accident data. He found 3 other Turbine Otter accidents that had a similar flight profile: sudden, near vertical descent. They all were due to a broken elevator servo tabs. The 3rd one even happened to one of the same company’s Turbine Otter on 5/24/22! D.G. could possibly have gotten this wrong, but he makes a convincing argument.

When I was watching Juan’s video the following day I felt like Juan was exhibiting weird behavior. He is fumbling for words and acting distracted. I was thinking that he knew he had to put out a video of this accident, that he knew D.G. got it correct, and that Juan needed to make his video more “interesting” which is why I think he was speculating about possible accident causes that really did not make any sense.

That’s my $.02.
