I think AVweb is a great source of information. However, I was disappointed to see your inclusion of the Carbon Offset Program in your newsletter (AVwebFlash, Aug. 26). These programs are nothing more than a modern-day pyramid scheme. I followed the link to learn about this service and found no specific information as to what is being done with my money. The only thing that was definitively stated was that I would be charged $100 per year for the privilege of being billed for the use of my airplane. If you look at the link for companies that are currently using the service, you will see that it is empty. That should tell you something about the authenticity of this service. There are certainly valid organizations that are working to help the environment, but this carbon footprint thing is only a scam. I expect more from AVweb than to shill for these scams. If your readers want to part with $100 each year, please place an article giving my address. I will use the money to keep my airplane in the sky and promote general aviation.Jeff Case
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.avweb.com/features/reader-mail/avmail-sep-3-2007