AOPA Fighting Canadian ADS-B Mandate - AVweb

Is the Canadian requirement for SAR or avoiding close contacts?

Busy routes should have ground stations, they have radio repeaters to ATC.

The Alaska Highway and the coastal route to the Panhandle must be busy, most of Alberta is busy, MB to the big bay and beyond probably is.

What information was used to estimate position of the small airplane that went down near Lake Superior recently with two ferrying pilots? CTV says ‘radar and flight tracking technology’.

(ELT did not work, if it had one.
Very accurate position knowledge would help.
Pilots presumed dead in the wreckage - I don’t have recent news, police should have reached site by now.
Airplane found by intensive helicopter search, very difficult to spot from the air, it was only a few km from a highway beside Old Woman Bay.)

Beware that is not the crash in Ontario of a similar airplane with gangsters on board.