AOPA, DOT, On User Fees, ADIZ...

AOPA President Phil Boyer says the organization cannot afford to let down its guard, despite the apparent progress on two key issues it's been pouring much of its resources into in the last couple of years. "I ain't letting any grass grow and stand in the way of our continuing work," Boyer told AVweb Thursday, moments after Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta was given a standing ovation from about 1,000 AOPA members attending the group's annual meeting, held in Tampa this year. (Click through for a quick virtual tour.) Mineta told the crowd that he was opposed to user fees for general aviation and that he'd ordered a 90-day extension of the comment period, to include a public hearing, of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would make the Washington Air Defense Identification Zone permanent. Notwithstanding the shopping bag of gifts he brought with him, Boyer said just having the Secretary in the same room as the membership was significant. "I'm just honored that he'd take the time to attend," said Boyer. It's the first time a Transportation Secretary has attended the convention and Boyer said it's an indication of the regard Mineta holds for GA.

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