American Parks 100 Regional Jets, Others Cut Schedules - AVweb

Paul: Thank you and I agree that AirVenture made the right call. I know that other Avweb readers will disagree. To them, I say do you really think that Jack Pelton and the EAA folks based their incredibly tough decision to cancel on the so called hysterical, left leaning, out-to-get-Trump media? Or perhaps they based their decision on the best scientific data and public health guidance available to them? I mean, c’mon,

As an aviation enthusiast, I don’t dispute that the decision really sucks. But it is a necessary decision in order to save lives. You can be angry and indignant, if you must. But I don’t think that any virus cares much about anyone’s anger or indignation.

Everyone stay safe and healthy - we are all in this together.