AirVenture 2022: Elixir Aircraft - AVweb

With the current dearth of pilots in the USAF, the first class of what will be around 100 total enlisted pilots have all successfully completed primary flight training and are destined to fly drones … thereby releasing the officer pilots doing that work to go back to “normal” flight duties. Enlisted “Boomers” have been flying those little wings on the back of tankers from the beginning … now they’ll be able to point the things, too. Enlisted folks with pilot wings … it’s about time.

Sadly, the senior leadership within the USAF is SO locked into the normal way of doing things that they sometimes just can’t see the forest for the trees. Every one of the people in this program have GA experience … some substantial. The USAF Aero Club system would be an excellent way to start that journey. Beyond that, the people in this program have shown a propensity for military service and lifestyle, too. Frankly, I’d like to see reinstitution of USAF Warrant Officer ranks and allowing enlisted people who distinguish themselves to fly for real and rise up in rank … just as the “Flying Sergeants” did in WWII. There are plenty of airframes that don’t require rocket scientists or test pilots or officers to make the houses get smaller. As you say, Eric … “politics.”