Airbus Launches Discovery Science Week - AVweb

Why no warming the last 20 years? Why have the prognosticators missed all of their dire predictions? Are you on board with the prediction that we have 10 years until climate catastrophe, which has been touted for the last 30 years? How did we go from the coming ice age in the 70’s to global warming in the 90’s? What anthropological activity resulted in the Medieval warming period? Michael Mann conveniently ignored that period when concocting his hockey stick theory, which the IPCC swallowed hook, line. and sinker, until it didn’t. And his theory was based on the study of a few tree rings. We should have learned from Galileo that consensus among scientists is a meaningless methodology. Climate Change is the religion of the left, and it has very little to do with climate, but more about consolidating power, controlling the populace, and taxing the hell out of us when all we’ll be able to do is wistfully recall ages past when when use to enjoy magnificent flight burning carbon fuels. And by then I predict we’ll be freezing our collective asses off; we’re due for the beginning of the next ice age…some climatologists believe we’re at the beginning on another Maunder Minimum now. Brrrr…I’m not looking forward to that. I much prefer global warming.