Airbus Launches Discovery Science Week - AVweb


People I refer to provide information on and links to many scientific papers, thousands of them peer-reviewed (rather than pal-reviewed as exposed by the leak from the CRU). Stephen McIntyre is an expert in statistical analysis, you should read his expose of a paper claiming Antarctica is warming - reality is that the long peninsula warmed a bit but the continent cooled a bit. Stephen is an honourable man.

You peddle the ‘consensus’ lie, which came from a shoddy obscure survey by someone defenders of humans did not recognize so ignored his email.

Whereas 36,000 people with science degrees signed a petition urging government to stop believing alarmists.

Note too that ‘consensus’ is a fallacy as it depends on the society having it or the authority that isn’t questioned - read history of The Church’s oppression of Galileo (and today Putin). A mob is consensus.