Airbus Launches Discovery Science Week - AVweb

Not a climate scientist, but I am a professional scientist that is familiar with the underlying physics of radiative transport. I share your concerns about “quasi-political arguments” that constantly get rehashed on here. There is a lack of scientific literacy that is a little troubling. That CO2 emissions from human activity are influencing the climate is well-established. This is reality. What to do about this climate change is a worthwhile debate to have that may venture into politics. I agree entirely with you that this is in no way a zero sum game.

The arguments which deny anthropogenic CO2 is responsible for climate change that are often cited here are frankly, non-scientific misinformation and cite unreliable sources. Being the internet, it’s very easy to find a random website that will confirm your beliefs- that doesn’t mean that it is scientifically accurate or rigorous.

Aviation is a critical engine that drives the economy, and it is also an industry reliant on CO2 generation for now. It is responsible for relatively little CO2 emission overall; a rational argument can be made for addressing the lowest hanging fruit sooner (power generation, ground transportation, etc) while we continue to seek engineering solutions to reduce CO2 generation coming from the aviation sector. The development of these solutions will be anything like a straight line, as you cogently have stated.