Air Force One Keeps Iconic Look - AVweb

C’mon–is THIS the biggest issue in the country–the paint job on Air Force 1 aircraft?

Perhaps even worse–the money and the time involved:

  1. These aircraft have already been built, but they are talking 5 years to complete them! That’s longer than it took to ramp up production and win WW II!

  2. Odd that Boeing just delivered the last 747–yet this will be our standard-bearer for the foreseeable future. Given how long it takes to complete these aircraft, perhaps they should be looking for their replacement NOW!

  3. Laying the proposed but rejected red/white/blue paint job on Trump is a cheap shot–read the Air Force link provided in the story.

  4. This “tempest in a teapot” is indicative of just how difficult it is for the government to accomplish ANYTHING today–years of “design”–“finger pointing”–and bickering over two aircraft that are not even in production any more. Perhaps they should be painted white, as in WHITE ELEPHANT!

  5. Just what will the new aircraft accomplish that the existing ones are incapable of performing? With the production line shut down, will these aircraft continue to be able to source new parts?

  6. Perhaps they should be commissioning a study on the obviously defective STAIRS on AF 1–they pose a hazard to the current user of the aircraft–causing repeated falls UPWARD!

“And they wonder why we laugh at them!” (smile)