Air Force Goes Low And Slow With XCub (Corrected) - AVweb

My god the tenants of train train train are ingrained in this community. In aviation systems engineering training is only used when first Prevent, then Guard, then Warn and if the prior measures fail - TRAIN. I will give you a time honored challenge … Fuel accidents… Nothing can be done according to the common feeling. You have to train, use a watch stick your tank. Strangely the statistic didn’t change and in a polar opposite of your theory, higher trained pilots ATP, Commercial, CFI are more susceptible. So we have delivered over 60,000 quality fuel quantity instruments to this community - yep high tech stuff. Our record after 10 years is No that is zero fuel related accidents. Knock on wood. It appears that just simply warning a pilot of a condition is surprisingly effective in addressing a common issue. If this is combined with or conjoined with a totalizer and comprehensive and progressive trustable warnings we now move this system to Guard. And again this statistic is now zero. We can’t PREVENT fuel accidents but simply applying appropriate technology provides relief… dramatic relief. Now can this be applied to other systems - yes definitely. Training is important, but effective and trustable warnings and guards provide real benefit. The automotive community have caught on, where driver assist - assists the most mindless driver and accident and fatal accidents continue to drop. The future points to a more automated flying future- like it or not We will see if the old maxims fall to the wayside Just in the little area we participate in -the benefit is obvious. And the trend in this s tat is tic is falling