Air Force Goes Low And Slow With XCub (Corrected) - AVweb

I was president of a military Aero Club, and I was also in Airfield Management at military airfields. The one emphasis I conveyed to our club administration was maintenance. How many pilots have rented junk from FBOs that operate for profit at the expense of renters? Dirty, decrepit, barely airworthy planes are the offerings from many schools and clubs. At the very least, our club was non-profit, and our wrench benders were pretty good hands (Though some genius decided we would be better off with a Progressive Maintenance System. This was in place when I became president, and our planes were all grounded due to the lack of an AI to approve them for flight.) The margin of profit for aircraft rental agencies is thin. So, something has to give. Unfortunately, that something will materialize when a component falls from your rental aircraft in flight.