The only area I have any real interest in – or have any personal control over – is the GA accident rate. Seems to me that a fatal rate of ~1.069 is pretty low and the statistical probability of YOU being that one is mighty low. We’ve reached the point of no significant ability to reduce it further. That it has remained essentially static since 2015 is further proof. Stuff happens, there are some situations that we can’t foresee or control and there are a few bad pilots around despite our best efforts to cull them out.
The NTSB is in the business of crunching numbers and – to me – the numbers are saying that we’re all collectively doing a pretty good job. IF you further analyzed just exactly where the fatalities are, I’d bet that you’d find that there are some “dangerous” areas in aviation and the rest of us are doing a fine job keeping us safe. Any further actions are nothing more than chasing our tails in a circle. Pounding “safety” into the heads of pilots has done it’s job IMHO. But, of course, this subject is aviation diatribe filler material. We’ll never reach zero … no matter what the FAA says.