8 replies
March 2023


…meanwhile, back in the states, a bush pilot landed on a dime.

2 replies
March 2023 ▶ jon021177


Ha, truth!

March 2023


I didn’t see there was much wind at all for the helipad landing…

1 reply
March 2023 ▶ bpolits


Apparently their target was 7 knots of wind, and that’s about what they had. I gather from some of the discussion in the video that I watched that one of the challenges was swirling winds around the tower, so they didn’t want more than that.

March 2023 ▶ jon021177


No way! In Us aviation is coming more and more expensive. Landing on a dime could hurt that coin, and every one is worth for flying??

March 2023


Considering what bush pilots do, as well as the STOL competitions, I fail to understand all the fuss about this event. Maybe it’s the advertising/sponsoring power of RB.
Added value to aviation in general…zip.

1 reply
March 2023 ▶ maurohhernandez


It done for the general public that consumes Red Bull beverages. They are impressed by their antics.

March 2023


What helps general aviation is good press. This is that. Other side of the coin is people dying in airshows, Junkers crashing, folks walking into props and the usual horror show of aviation reporting designed to get clicks.