4 replies
May 2020


I sure hope they intend to do a better method of securing the cargo than in the photo included in the article. Depending on the weight of the pallets, I don’t see where the G load restraint is met and the white net seems to be missing at least one latch. In addition, unless there are beartraps hidden in the photo, there is no vertical restraint.
Not whining or just being picky. The idea is great and there are a lot of aircraft just sitting collecting dust and rust but when you push and “outside the box” idea, you should get it right. Plus, without a roller system and a cargo door, loading/unloading these aircraft will be a real pain.

1 reply
May 2020


I was just wondering how they got those pallets of cargo through the passenger door.

1 reply
May 2020 ▶ system


Well, it’s true that the netting isn’t cranked down as tight as what you would see on a semi-trailer, but for a lot of cargo like the cardboard boxes shown, you could end up damaging them if you went to that level. IMHO they appear tight enough to prevent undue vertical movement if you look closely in the expanded view of the picture.

May 2020 ▶ system


I agree, I don’t see a way to load pallets through existing doors. I’m also curious about how they offload when they reach their destination. Maybe it’s all manually loaded and offloaded?