Boeing have screwed up consistently over the last few years and ar in a pickle of their own making, nothing to do with the virus, so no special treatment for them!!!
Boeing have screwed up consistently over the last few years and ar in a pickle of their own making, nothing to do with the virus, so no special treatment for them!!!
No one is “too big to fail”, period. NO BAILOUT!
who was it that complained about government subsidies for Airbus and now wants same from US government?
Put Boeing in Chapter 11, to protect employees and contractors.
Any govt bail out, including a loan facility, that allows equity holders to be protected, only benefits management and shareholders.
Instead of conserving cash for difficult times, management and shareholders have benefited to the tune of $45 billion of buybacks and dividends these past few years,
Those same management and shareholders should not therefore be able to access circa $60 billion of taxpayer funds to shore up their equity positions now that bad times are here.
That would be nothing less than American Socialism - privatizing profits and socializing losses.
PS - Dave Colhoun should hang his head in shame for even asking the US government for cash, having been part of the Board group that got Boeing into this mess over recent years.
Bankruptcy would allow Boeing to shed its labor contracts and its pensions. Be careful what you ask for.