3 replies
July 2022


I don’t use one on my car, telephone, computer, or lawn mower, either after I become familiar with them. I fly a lot of different airplanes–I use a checklist until I become familiar–but EVEN THOUGH I HAVE OVER 10,000 HOURS IN KING AIRS–I still do a “CIGAR check” (Controls, Instruments, Gas, Attitude, and runup (or runway items) as a final check. Same with a GUMP check.

Flying single pilot head down in a high performance airplane is not a good idea–substitute a regimin that you do EVERY TIME instead.

July 2022


I’m a CIGAR TIPS and GUMP kind guy for many airplanes. And that is a checklist, just not a heads down reading a piece of paper kind.

July 2022


My practice includes CIGAR/GUMP. Pre-flight, I have a “flow” checklist that I follow. I only fly one plane (my own), I do the same flow every time. https://www.planeandpilotmag.com/pilot-training/proficiency/airline-style-checklist-flows-for-private-pilots/ has an interesting take on the flow-style checklist.