4 replies
August 26


A highly efficient turboprop makes great sense for trips less than 700 NM. As petroleum becomes ever more political this type of efficient, reliable transport is hard to ignore.

August 26


As a long experienced DHC-7 pilot, instructor and examiner, I am pleased to see this fine aircraft still in service. After 50+ years of flying it is still my favorite!

August 26


Awesome video of the Dash 7! The last time I saw a Dash 7 was in the mid 80’s while flying VFR up the Hudson River in NY Airspace in my straight tail '59 Cessna 150 while on Flight Following and a Henson Piedmont Dash 7 was sequenced ahead of me going into LGA. :small_airplane:

August 28


Enjoyed that video. Nice to see a specialty performance aircraft still flying, making a living. These kind of airplanes are slowly disappearing, with no replacements being built. In addition to the DHC-7, the BAE -146, 737-200 combi, yes and even the 757-200.