Every pilot should already know this and should have done the check immediately upon receiving plane from the shop. Public ADS-B Performance Report
Every pilot should already know this and should have done the check immediately upon receiving plane from the shop. Public ADS-B Performance Report
Thanks Joe, It would be helpful that the hyperlink you provided would be in the original story most don’t open up the comment section.
ADS-B out is a violation of privacy; or unlawful. Meaning it is optional and the FAA will not tell people that because of the potential law suits. With aircraft being flown for over 100 years without anything like ADS-B out; why is it needed? It is not. So the author is misinformed; not knowing the whole picture; unfortunately. Less government, not more is the current fashion. And people are ignoring this fact; and probably to their detriment. ADS-B was provided as a safety measure. Except the privacy issue greatly outweighs any safety advance.
Safety was not the primary reason for ADS-b. The primary reason for ADS-b was to enable closer minimums between planes to allow increased volume of traffic at airports. That was the selling point the FAA used to justify the 2020 deadline for GA airplanes. All the other items like traffic displays and weather were tagged on the encourage compliance with the deadline. From my experience since the deadline, controller staffing or lack thereof has hindered the original reason for ADS-b. Airliners didn’t need it since jets and many turboprops have TCAS for traffic. That may have been part of the reason airlines were given more time to equip.
ADdS-Burden sure does
I like seeing the info on my tablet but if yours isn’t working…
Just don’t use it to tax landings or gotcha penalties from the perpetually unhappy FAA.