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November 2020


An bellical romance story from the silent generation.

November 2020


Thanks Paul - how times have changed - the Empire State Building was built in 13 months - and now Congress can’t make a decision in less time than that to preserve our Constitution, our Liberty and our way of life. How do we elect these Morons?

November 2020


The late, great Jim Barton at EAA once commented that the R-3350 made the DC-7 the best three-engine airliner he ever flew!

November 2020


Great video & story!!
What I did not know was that after the engine went through the first test cell run, it was then dissembled, inspected, & run again!

November 2020


It shows what we used to be capable of. No more.

November 2020


“ the Empire State Building was built in 13 months – and now Congress can’t make a decision in less time than that to preserve our Constitution, our Liberty and our way of life.”

A more efficient Congress would more quickly erode our Constitution, our Liberty and our way of life.

An efficient government does not preserve, it takes away.

Imagine what type of flying you’d be reduced to if the FARs/CFRs could be more quickly and efficiently changed.

1 reply
December 2020


<How do we elect these Morons?

'There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and it's growing. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
Issac Asimov
We elected them.

1 reply
December 2020 ▶ system


Morons idolized and elect morons.

December 2020


The brilliant story about a real strength of the greatest democracy!
It should be noticed by those from former stalin/gulag country who try to tease and confront Civilized World today.

December 2020 ▶ system


The whole point is, “WE ELECT THEM”.
Two things to that. First, term limits as the office of president has, ALWAYS elect ew blood if some is running. If not, do not vote for that office.

December 2020


The fact is, and without regard to politics, we have just done a major, and continuing, effort every bit as challenging as building those engines, and that is the invention and development of vaccines for a pandemic in less than a year. Typically, that kind of accomplishment takes literally years, and the scientists who have developed the SARS-Covid 19 vaccines have done so in about a year, a monumental achievement. Different, to be sure, from building engines and bombers and tanks, but no less challenging and noteworthy for no less serious a war.

2 replies
December 2020


My Dad was the ALCOA Sales Engineer in LA working with North American and Northrop on use of aluminum and magnesium alloys in aircraft from 1939 through 1948. He helped develop TIG welding for magnesium alloys, and then was product manager for the Alcoa Precision Castings foundry in Vernon. He helped Lockheed engineers re-design and rapidly prototype new air inlet castings for the Constellation when Hughes threatened to cancel the TWA orders due to speed and range disadvantages relative to the DC-7. The new cast inlets resulted in 50 mph speed increase, saved Lockheed and allowed Super G Constellations to compete on cross-country flights through the 1950’s…

December 2020


Great article, Paul. We need constant reminders. Let’s all forward this link to someone less than 30 years old.

December 2020 ▶ Lance_Neward


Excuse me, but SARS-1 was in 2002/2003, and our CDC refused to issue grants to create a vaccine back then. Before you say, “but that didn’t affect us”, note that it wiped out hospital staff just across the border in Toronto.

Between then and now was MERS, another corona virus.

So the fact we needed a crash program in 2020 is no thanks to the CDC, who had two decades to get their act together.

December 2020 ▶ Lance_Neward


I don’t know why folks always have to steer these things into the political bs

December 2020


A while ago I stumbled across a similar video on YouTube about the Rolls-Royce Company making Merlin engines (“Rolls-Royce Merlin Engine”) in England. One thing that was nice about that movie is it was made in the midst of full production, unlike the Dodge factory that is the subject of this comment thread.