Ya know…maybe us ol timers hanging on to our last little grasp of “freedom” got a little window of what the NAS could be if the over burdensome overbearing overlord out-of-control tower Nazis maybe werent clogging up our radio space…
When I was your age we didn’t have “radios” and “over” control towers either…and yet we flew happily and safely…and most importantly quietly. We somehow made it to our destinations without you young gum flappers ye yawing all yer jibberish…“turn left…turn RIGHT” …I own this airplane and I’ll turn when I see the darn aerodrome…don’t rush me…I don’t care what video game wiz bang computer philosophy you subscribe to…
Keep in mind we were flying theses things before there were large imposing Goverment entities attempting to systematically remove us “little guys” from yer all powerful “D” airspace…
In closing I’d like to add that at one time all the roads we walked on we’re un paved and uphill both ways and we only had one “shoe” for the whole family and we had LOTS of snow…yet we managed in radio silence.
HOPE that satisfies as a “read back”