8 replies
February 2023


A real pity such a workhorse had to be taken to its’ final duty station on a truck. Too bad NASA didn’t donate it when it could have at least been FLOWN there.

2 replies
February 2023 ▶ Ken_S


Was just thinking the same thing.

February 2023


I have been using the Clarity Aloft for about six years. I used the Light Speed Mach 1 in ear before that. I like the form factor because I have hair, and I hate getting headset head after the fires leg.

I’m on my second Clarity Aloft. The wires rotted from the sweat. They fixed it once for free and the second time I had a long Europe trip coming so I needed a fresh reliable set.

I had mixed results with the audio in the GIV. Some of the older Gulfstreams just didn’t like that headset. I haven’t had any problems in the 737. I use to use them in the T-6 and they worked great but the warbird guys are really pushing everyone to have a flight helmet for safety. I did use them in the Stearman and they worked great but I rely on the green sewer-cans to hold my sunglasses on.

The great thing about the Clarity Aloft is you don’t even know it’s there. I can wear one on a six hour leg and I don’t know they’re there.

I have the Bluetooth but I hardly ever use it. Having the audio mute every time the radio keyed, completely removes any enjoyment. What I do (and this would be a great feature for them adopt) is put an AirPod in one ear and the insert in the other. Having one audio in one ear and the radio in the other at first seems hard to deal with but it works great once you get used to it.

I had an extension cord made for mine by the guys that made the Link. They really didn’t want to make the cord for me but at the time I was flying the Lear 45 and there was a perfect place for the Link but the cord was too short. That extension finally gave up the ghost after around 8 years.

The one thing that requires diligence with the foam ear inserts is they will get loose and fall down in the cockpit. I’ve found them in the strangest places.

Great headset. I’d try the other one but it’s a lot of money to try a swing and a miss.

February 2023



February 2023 ▶ Ken_S


I can’t believe that there was no market for a Twin Otter–even if just for the PARTS. DC-3s are more than TWICE the age of this aircraft, and like most utility airplanes, they still soldier on–even if much-modified. Another STOL aircraft–the C-130–was first flown in 1956–27 years before this aircraft–and the Twin Otter is a far simpler aircraft to operate and maintain.

1 reply
February 2023 ▶ jimhanson


If this aircraft was 40 years old (as stated in the article)–it would have been built in 1983–and was HARDLY “one of the originals of its type”–as NASA claimed–since the Twin Otter was certified in 1965, this airplane was not built until 18 YEARS AFTER THE TWIN OTTER WAS CERTIFIED!

Most of us TAXPAYERS would be glad to have an airplane built in 1983–but the airplanes WE fly are often much older. A check of Wikipedia shows that the average age of a GA aircraft is 50 years!

1 reply
February 2023 ▶ jimhanson


According to FAA records, it was a 1966 model.

1 reply
February 2023 ▶ Aj1


Serial number 4