5 replies
September 2021


Were it not for the U-8F incident, you could retitle this page “Darwin Awards”

2 replies
September 2021 ▶ system


Sadly, I agree with your conclusion.

September 2021


The quality of pilots flying the Cirrus seems unusually unskilled.

September 2021 ▶ system


I wouldn’t count the chickens before they hatch!

I’m sure there’s someone who could find some thing to blame this on “pilot error”.

i.e. isn’t it the pilots responsibility to ensure that the aircraft is airworthy?

October 2021


Dare I say, that once again, that the Cirrus is a strong contender, in this style of aviation reporting… I most likely will be called out, again, that statistically the Cirrus is safer then any other airplane… And yes, it is an extremely well designed airplane, captivating the attention of a much lesser pilot…