4 replies
September 18


So I would be most interested in the views of other pilots. When faced with only a partial gear failure, would you elect to land with the gear partially out, or fully retracted?

1 reply
September 18


If I could get the gear to come back up, I would bring them up and let the smooth belly keep me straight.

September 18


I would slow the aircraft, put the gear up if possible, remove all power electrical/hydraulic from the system, put the switch down, and lower the gear via the manual system. If a main didn’t come down, land with what you got all the way to the side of the runway with the good gear.

September 18 ▶ Jim_Kabrajee


I’ve flown many different types of retractable gear aircraft from Cutlass/Arrow to Apache/C-421 to Phantom/Aardvark. The AFM direction varies widely about what to do, so there is no “rule of thumb” answer – you need to read the flight manual for what you’re flying and then do what it says.