3 replies
October 2022


Oh yeah, the NGO “Certification” Industry. How to collect fees based on shuffling paper and electrons, maintaining the appearance of indispensability while not being nearly the same thing as oversight by participants.

1 reply
October 2022


The use for inspection and trouble shooting is the area where the technology is highly suitable, and such progress is welcomed, and acquiring the proper government paperwork is a necessary evil. Maybe if PG&E, SCE, etc. had been developing, buying and using this equipment there would have been many less fires, property destructions, and loss of life.

October 2022 ▶ gliders


Right on, Chris. IS-BAO, Wyvern and Argus. Total sham. I operated under all three and every company I worked for violated those standards with impunity. Self-reporting only those infractions that were corrected or correctable. Joke.