6 replies
July 2022


Anything 180-ish gets a thumbs up from a Cessna straight tail lover. Vans will need to employ second and third shifts.

July 2022


Interesting listed on the FAA Registry as an:


July 2022


I think Vans knew if they had to design it around the IO-390 because that’s what people were going to use whether they designed it for that or not. And I’d bet money at least one or two of the first 50 built end up with an IO-540 crammed in there.

July 2022


Looks a little like one of the greatest STOL aircraft ever built, a Helio Courier. It doesn’t appear to be as long, the landing gear is not as far forward, it does have the long Helio flaps, same shape rudder, and looks like a stabilator rather than an elevator. Beautiful plane…can’t go wrong using some of Helio’s design.

July 2022


These videos are being analyzed more closely than the Zapruder Film. The RV gang is looking for clues about the hidden feature on the Grassy Knoll…

1 reply
July 2022 ▶ J_Earnie


…or at least an airplane that can land on the Grassy Knoll.