Continue Discussion 17 replies
May 2022


“its 25th flight, which lasted 161.3 seconds”

Battery powered flight,

June 2022


Really cool stuff. What a testbed for future tech. It’s amazing to have the opportunity to do this and spur the next level of technology. Amazing work from the folks at JPL!

June 2022


Not bad, considering it’s basically a solar powered RC helicopter. Oh, and it’s 135,800,000 ish miles away on another PLANET, different atmospheric conditions including lots of dust to obscure the solar panels.

Can your helicopter do that? I thought not.

June 2022


How are the solar panels kept clean?

One space vehicle has been turned off recently because of dust on its solar panels.

June 2022


And let’s not forget that there is only a tich over 6 millibars of pressure at the surface so this bad boy is taking off at the equivalent of about 60,000 feet!

1 reply
June 2022


The most impressive thing to me is that this aircraft is able to do all this (totally different gravity, totally different atmosphere, cutting edge technologies on board) WITHOUT ever having conducted even ONE test flight!!!

1 reply
June 2022


Cute. What did that flight just cost taxpayers? What was the ROI to taxpayers? If there is none, it should be privatized and our crushing taxes reduced.

2 replies
June 2022 ▶ system


That is a great point - can lessons be learned for flight on earth?

Airbus etc. helicopters are known for high altitude work, such as in the Himalayas, part of that is power I presume. The former Hughes helicopter company had a version better for hothigh, in its original Hughes 500 fuselage shape that is lighter than the competing Bell 206.

June 2022 ▶ system


There are objective people who promote private exploration of Mars.

But I ask who will police the planet?

Communist China probably wants to - Oh My Marx!
US has might but neo-Marxists in the US blame Americans for the war of Russia on Ukraine.

June 2022 ▶ system


Actually, they had some test flights in a reduced pressure chamber and a counter weight to simulate the gravity. But it is still an amazing feat given the very thin atmosphere and the reduced power from sunlight on mars compared with earth.

June 2022 ▶ system


If you think that gaining new knowledge is too expensive, try ignorance.

2 replies
June 2022


Next generation they should plan in sufficient mass/power to make one capable of hovering over a solar panel & blowing the dust off. Mobile carpet cleaning, so to speak.

June 2022 ▶ system


Uh, knowledge for what?

June 2022 ▶ system


It looks to me as if Kent M. just did.

1 reply
June 2022


Concerns about the Mars helicopter, dust already affecting solar panels, but it has gone well beyond expectations:

June 2022 ▶ system



June 2022


Wonder whether they considered putting the solar panel below the prop to blow the dust off?