5 replies
December 2024


Yep, pretty soon you won’t need a brain, hands or feet in order to fly. Won’t that be fun? Count me out.

December 2024


Will still be plenty of flying machines to satisfy the need for thrill. However, this is a huge step forward for many needs. Hope it develops nicely for them.

December 2024


Some people think you’re not really driving unless you drive stick, but most can’t and only want to get someplace. There are still plenty of pilots who think that fly-by-wire isn’t really flying. If this company is able to simplify rotorcraft controls and make it work, then more power to them.

1 reply
December 2024


Yeah… But can it take off and land my Cessna 180? And what about the “Blue Screen of Death”?

Seriously… Wow, just wow! Once they get reliability, maintainability, and supportability nailed down, this will be a game changer. Kudos!

December 2024 ▶ Jeff_G


Jeff, Nonsense; most people here in Houston can’t even drive an automatic shift car. At least “self driving” would restore some order to the roadways.