5 replies
November 2024


Could well be a promising avenue but let’s not forget the Beechcraft Starship fiasco when upsizing to the full size machine.

November 2024


Hi efficiency, with a strutted wing? They must be kidding. Not much has changed at Langley since the 70s, it remains a place for engineers who can’t get jobs in the private sector and who face no consequences for wasting taxpayer dollars. If the X-66 can do all they claim, they should try building it from private money and no government support. Since they are pushing its “green” aspects, you know this is a loser from the start.

1 reply
November 2024 ▶ kent.misegades


Well, the struts give, the struts take away. Let’s wait a bit and see how the numbers come out. Designing an airplane is all a game of plusses and minuses, after all. And as for efficiency, the further down the hydrocarbon fuel road you look the more that goal would appear to grow in importance

1 reply
November 2024


How much did NASA spend to make a model of the Cessna SkyCourier with Jet engines?

November 2024 ▶ Skypark


Struts add a HUGE amount of drag at higher speeds, much of it at the lower and upper intersections. Fossil fuels are going back down in price. Once President Trump is back in the WH, we will see an explosion in exploration and pipelines. Good old Dino Fuel will cost much less and be even more plentiful than it already is. Countries who are still playing around with silly solar and wind are going to be left behind.