9 replies
March 2021


So what is new? Where are the super batteries? When you compare the investment cost, safety, down time for charging, how much weight you can carry, 60 miles out and 60 miles back, speed and the final tab to the passenger to existing travel methods or even an electric helicopter, what is superior?

1 reply
March 2021


The outlook for sales is far better, and they are all so impressed with themselves and each other, lol.

Actually, there’s likely some truth to the first part. The ranges are expected to increase, and charging times decrease. Being skeptical is good, but there’s a lot of bright folks thinking it will happen.

Pilots keep falling as a percentage of population, but the examinations of why that is happening are mostly lazy. That’s natural because the ones who left or never entered the group aren’t around to be examined. I often rant here about the reasons, but one of them is that our aircraft are no longer practical.

Too many people live and work too far from a practical GA field. Helicopters are even more expensive to operate than light planes, but they can land in the city. So make an efficient VTOL and that changes the math. Add reduced noise, green halo effect, newness, and computer controlled. The result is something much more sellable than our dinosaur piston planes.

Assuming you can do it.

March 2021


What do the 150 engineers say about flying in the winter time when batteries can fail, or when the customer must buy a new pack because the cycle life is too low? The higher the density - the lower the cycle life!

March 2021


Just an observation, but if they wanted to shed a little excess airframe weight, they could go with fixed landing gear instead of the complex retraction system for the mains. It may not look as sexy in flight, but with good wheel fairings, the speed penalty should not be that great, and maintenance would be much simpler. (The aerodynamic drag on those feathered vertical propellers would pose much greater drag issues). Gear retraction mechanisms usually weigh around 40-50 pounds, which could certainly be better utilized with extra batteries.

March 2021


As with all of these new VTOL designs, I always question how noisy 8 high spinning props would be compared to a helicopter. Is it really quieter? I’m not a fan of the noise my drone make and can’t imagine what it would bet like scaled up to full size.

March 2021 ▶ system


C’mon Don. Give em a break. They’re on the leading edge of this thing. I’m sure the Wright Brothers had their critics too but look at us now. Jet setting around the globe without giving it a second thought. Energy storage is an issue and they know that. But, the fact that they can fly an aircraft over 100 miles on battery power is confirmation that the technology is worth pursuing. Being on the leading edge of anything is hard work. Thank god there are folks willing to put the time in.

…now, about those noisy propellers…

March 2021


Why is it that every one of these projects says they’ll have it certified in 2 or 3 years? Does the FAA even have the rules worked out?

1 reply
March 2021 ▶ system


Part of that may be wishful thinking, but I suspect it is mostly PR hype from the sales department. If they told you that certification is (more realistically) 7-10 years away, everyone would lose interest and forget about it.

1 reply
March 2021 ▶ system


Is it PR, marketing, investor relations or sales doing the hyping here? As a sales guy, I can assure you that any decent salesman will not likely lie to you. Companies that want to cheat you will hire a crooked sales manager who will then hire naive and inexperienced sales clerks to pound the phones and man the booth. It’s good sport tying them in knots over the phone and then telling them they will likely never see a commission because they work for a cheat.

In this case, I’m betting it’s PR because I’m betting they have not decided to ever market this aircraft. It’s likely a stepping stone or test bed design they suspect will never see market.