4 replies
December 2024


Nothing on weight & balance and nothing about flap position. Those would be my early checks and hopefully fuel load and flap settings are both available from the Garmin card.

2 replies
December 2024 ▶ Kurt62


Ultimately, the plane rejected a takeoff at or above rotation speed, which is a rare event. Juan Browne noted that weight shouldn’t have been an issue (and given the cabin layout, most likely balance wasn’t either).

December 2024 ▶ Kurt62


Juan Brown (Blancolirio) covered the W&B and it was not a factor.

December 2024


Does the Honda Jet issue a bad trim setting, nose down on takeoff, warning. A friend of mine in his 300 hp Baron, hauling ass down the runway, tried to lift off and couldn’t. His nose trim was full down. Fortunately, he had enough runway to stop, barely. He faithfully used his check list after that.