A 17 year old may be a child in the eyes of law makers but hardly a boy. The Aussies have a strong movement for “adult crime, adult time” to stop gangs using minors as worker bees. Good test case here.
1 replyA 17 year old may be a child in the eyes of law makers but hardly a boy. The Aussies have a strong movement for “adult crime, adult time” to stop gangs using minors as worker bees. Good test case here.
1 replyBarry Clark’s actions seemed to have been instantaneous, courageous, brave, bold and effective. One never knows how one will act until the moment comes. I’m guessing that Clark has had some military or police training and experience. Too many others just stand by, then take out their cell phones to take a photo for their Facebook account. They’re the same ones who grab for their suitcases during the emergency evacuation of an aircraft that has just crash-landed.
1 replyWell said. He put himself in harm’s way with no worry for his own safety. BZ