3 replies
June 2020


That would be fine, but the SFAR is so narrowly defined that I’m not sure who exactly actually qualifies for the extensions, other than the medical extensions. I meet all of the experience requirements to have my flight review extended, but I can’t think of any type of flight I would make that would qualify for the extension. Thankfully I’m good for another year+, but many others are not.

June 2020


I’m a few hours shy of the 500 hours for non-commercial operations, AND the reason I want to fly is for proficiency, AND I’m flying under SP at present because my medical expired before the start of the extension period but my visit to renew got canceled by covid. So, I’m ruled out by a) the experience requirement for Private b) proficiency flying is not covered and c) Sport privileges aren’t covered.

The mistake the letter groups made was to base the request in the idea that pilots help with covid response. They should have positioned it as minimizing unnecessary medical risks to AMEs and instructors, by allowing pilots to defer their visits to either/both.

Oh well. I’ll go back to polishing the spinner.

June 2020


Agreed, “minimizing medical risks to AMEs and instructors, by allowing pilots to defer their visits to either/both” as a basis for requesting relief under Special FAR provisions. Hoping for a prompt response from the FAA.