6 replies
January 30


She sure seems like a very impressive person and pilot. 104 is a good run. Clear skies and tailwinds.

Non sequitur:

Any other Star Trek (TOS) fans read ‘Harvey Mudd’ as ‘Harry Mudd’ LOL

1 reply
January 31


Now that is one hell of a woman…

January 31 ▶ Fast-Doc


This ST fan did. The greatest generation! although I have concerns for their progeny, of which I am one. Possible there was no greatness left over for future generations…

January 31


Honored to have met her when I hung around the TOA airport, S. Calif., in the late '50s and '60s.

January 31


Brave people.
If you look closely you can see the “war quality” P-38 in the background that shows it was built in a hurry. If I remember pilots stories correctly, there was a fairly large accident rate with factory new planes. That risk, combined with flying 25 different types, and surviving, is almost beyond belief. Well done!

February 1


Amazing Aviatrix: Iris Cummings Critchell. Her life was full of strength and quiet greatness, inspiring so many. May her memory always lift those who dream of flying.

Zamperini Field (TOA) Alumnus
