4 replies
July 2023


This is great for basic stuff. The real issue is when we eventually come to blows with China, the first things to go will be our GPS satellites. Unless they can protect them, it’ll be back to VORs and DMEs… Ugh!

1 reply
July 2023


The Communist Chinese will steal it in 6 months .

1 reply
July 2023 ▶ luckyfivetwo


A coordinated GPS/INS isn’t a new thing at all. (Nor is infrared vision in the cockpit to see through fog.)
There simply hasn’t really been a perceived need for it in the past.

July 2023 ▶ joe5


We will not, in our lifetimes, “come to blows with China”. Our economies are intertwined to such a degree it would be disastrous for both. But expect the bluster to continue.