4 replies
October 2022


If I were Uber wealthy, I would go on vacation for a month and get an economic impact report done on my trip. I bet the people I hired to do it could show my impact was greater than I spent by some exponential amount. Surely, my wise and fatherly advice to the resort staff will save them all millions over their lifetimes while simultaneously improving their career and marriage prospects.

These reports are mostly a waste of taxpayer money which won’t be collected for years now as the money printer go brrrrrrr.

Any chance there could be an editorial piece attached to all these things in the future pointing out the inherent flaws in these reports?

October 2022


At least NASA can say they have actually produced some useful product.

Here in California, we get a steady flow of this stuff generated by the bottomless money pit they still call the High-Speed Rail Project. Since all hope of high speed has been abandoned and the project will not be completed for generations, if ever, the reports mostly rest on our state government’s all-purpose vote buying phrase “good paying union jobs”.

1 reply
October 2022


NASA got the Manned Mars Flight funding yanked out from under them just when such a mission was feasible. Back then, the dollar was worth almost a dollar. Now inflation has made NASA’s operations too expensive. I would surely relish seeing manned modules plopped on the Red Planet, with astronauts traipsing around those regions. America led the Space Race by 10 furlongs during the Apollo Program, and we all beamed proudly when Lunar missions succeeded. This space station jazz should be ended, and the focus of NASA should be on interplanetary missions.

October 2022 ▶ Skypark


NASA’s a great outfit. One time though, after the Apollo Program ended, they hit upon the idea of scrutinizing manufactured aircraft for improvements and safety concerns. They selected a plane, tested it, made measurements, evaluated systems, performance data and other parameters, then published a report with several criticisms. As Richard Collins, who was the editor of Flying Magazine, pointed out, NASA did not disclose the aircraft type, but they did provide a three-view drawing of the plane. Needless to say, it was not difficult to determine which aircraft NASA selected: A Cessna 210! That raised a lot of eyebrows around the industry, and particularly at Cessna.