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December 2022


Why test an airframe with the doors off? A closed and secured door should provide some structural value.

2 replies
December 2022 ▶ Red.Jimbo


I think this is about creating a generalizable computational model for these types of structures, which would then be tailored for the specific geometry of each eVTOL design. As stated in the article the specific structure here is not the same as any under development. Important was what was learned from this test- that the model did not accurately predict the structural collapse that was seen- this will allow for refinement of the model moving forward.

To me, this test isn’t about developing the perfect structure, but creating a computational tool to assist future and ongoing development of these structures, as well as to possibly facilitate certification of eVTOLs in the future.

December 2022 ▶ Red.Jimbo


If you have time during a possible crash situation the first thing you want to do is open the doors so they don’t get jammed closed after the crash.

1 reply
December 2022


“roof was loaded up with weight to simulate wings and engines”

I’m confused, why is there ‘engines’ instead of ‘motors’ on an "e"VTOL?
The test has very little purpose without a ton of high capacity batteries. Surviving the impact is only a small part of the risk. Next you have to survive the thermal run-away of the damaged batteries.

2 replies
December 2022 ▶ KlausM


Engine and motor are synonyms in modern English usage. But don’t argue with me. Take it up with MIT.
While you’re at it, drop a note to the boys in Milwaukee, who insist on using “The Motor Company“ as vernacular for Harley-Davidson.

December 2022


Well, at least it’s a step in the right direction. Next step is testing actual models, with batteries and motors and wings or whatever structure houses the motors and propellers.

December 2022 ▶ pilotmww


The VFD in the small town I spend time in near OSH has strict rules for EV crashes … if able, yank the people out and let the vehicle burn.

1 reply
January 2023 ▶ KlausM


From the article, it sounds like it was an engineering validation test of the model used to simulate the crash, and not by itself a crashworthiness test. One has to start simple before going to the real thing, in order to be able to understand what is happening to the structure.

January 2023 ▶ lstencel


I would think that would be the case with any vehicle fire. If you’ve ever seen a vehicle fire on an ICE vehicle, it’s a scary thing to witness.

January 2023


If the crash-worthiness team’s success is measured by a positive outcome, they’ve demonstrated that computer modelling does not always predict test results.

January 2023


I can buff that out.

January 2023


Anyone know the purpose of those dots on the one side and why they are arranged as they are?

1 reply
January 2023 ▶ joe5


They are for the cameras. They undoubtedly have high frame rate movies and can model the deformation of the structure by measuring how each dot moves in relation to the others as the structure deforms and then fails.

January 2023


If intended as an EVtol evaluation, then while there would not be a petroleum-based fire, there could still be a battery fire issue, neither were addressed here. But we don’t know the total scope or intent of the test.