Training, yeah… Going to be a problem no matter what. Automation is good and bad. Good because of all the procedures that are now “routine” and the ability of the pilots to spread their focus onto a broader scale of aircraft operations. Bad because of the deterioration of “hand-eye” skills and the narrowing of their focus on “feeding” the automation data. In commercial operations, training is considered a cost-center and great efforts are expended to reduce costs by minimizing training. This has been caused by “bean counters” and “bean counter influenced management”. Throughout my career in the steam gauge era, we would spend 5 days in the classroom reviewing and a total of 7 days in the sim (5 & 2). Little or nothing was CBT. While I will readily agree that CBT can be useful for some items, face to face training is far more effective for the student. Ditto with the sim time. Until training ceases to be a 4 letter word to management, issues will continue to arise that training could have prevented.