4 replies
December 2024


You would think they might float the proposal by the 14 Special interest groups that found issues with the pending ruling. Oh ya its FAA, to their credit at least they listened to the objections……. but we have wasted a lot of time otherwise better spent.

1 reply
December 2024 ▶ Sparky


My day job isn’t flying rather project and program management. I also mentor less experienced folks in how to do this properly. You know what the first lesson is? Stakeholder engagement.

December 2024


Sounds like they’re committed to implementing it March 1, after listening to (and ignoring?) stakeholder comments.

December 2024


This is so ridiculous. It’s not bad enough that an actual medical condition can sideline my career, but now incomplete paperwork has just as much jeopardy. I would have had a deferral on my own record under these new rules, since I once showed up for a 1st Class medical after recovering from shoulder surgery. I didn’t realize I needed a letter from my doctor explicitly indicating I could return to work. Oops. So I ran back to his office, got the letter, then returned to my AME. Simple, yet now that scenario would be listed as a deferral on my record forever.