2 replies
October 2020


I’m glad to know that a 785 page document is “simplifying” the launch procedures. Sounds like the IRS simplifying the tax code. Launch customers should be careful what they wish for. Several other government agencies, like the EPA and OSHA have developed performance based standards, in order to “simplify” the regulations for the companies they oversee. It does give some latitude to the companies, but there is always a clause in there somewhere that we call the “Should have known better” clause. In other words, if anything goes wrong, the offending company will be cited because they should have known that their procedures were inadequate. Citations and fines usually follow.

1 reply
October 2020 ▶ system


If “something goes wrong”, shouldn’t citations and fines follow? The whole point is to prevent things from going wrong. Or, are you arguing that it’s pointless to try to prevent that, we should just let the operators harm others and treat it as an externality to their business model?