8 replies
November 2020


And the purpose of this is avoiding the morning rush hour commute…but only during temperate VFR conditions?

November 2020


No, I think this is pure sport, like skydiving. I mean, if you begin in a helicopter, haven’t you already avoided the morning drive?

1 reply
November 2020 ▶ system


Point taken. My practicality filter appears to have limited my perception.

November 2020


Oh well. Another example why pure electric flight fails.

November 2020


Electric has an uphill battle. It is very hard to beat a heat engine, where 15/16 of the energy-producing reactants’ weight comes from the atmosphere and the exhaust returns there. (assuming 15:1 air/fuel mix)

1 reply
November 2020


Great to see folks with new creations!

November 2020


I’m still waiting for the Jet Flyboard guys to fly with a wing suit. That will be amazing!

November 2020 ▶ system


I’m with you, James. To me … this is ridiculous !!

Running on electric power after getting a lift aloft by a helicopter.
That’ll definitely save the planet.