9 replies
December 2024


And here in the heartland of the US there have been sightings of RC aircraft flying a mere 5 miles east of EWK. Oops. Mine was one of those.

December 2024


I’m not sure why all of a sudden this has become a big deal, but I suspect most of those “uncorroborated” ones are also real aircraft with humans in them and not “drones”. There probably are some that actually are drones, but now the public is on edge and thinking everything is a drone. I just got lased while out flying last night and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was because I was misidentified as a “drone”. I truly hope this doesn’t escalate to people shooting at these “drones” that are actually aircraft.

December 2024


One of the “Photos” of the Drones shown on a national news channel was actually, and I kid you not the constellation “Orion”. It is my favorite constellation easy to spot, but with Orion’s belt having 3 miss aligned stars it looks like some mysterious lights and as it goes behind clouds it appears to move…spooky.
Much like the original UFO sighting back in the day after the first one everyone started looking up “probably for the first time in their lives” and saw lights in the sky, and reported them…spooky.

1 reply
December 2024 ▶ Moon


I wish journalists (oops, too generous), TV talking heads were more educated. A degree in ‘media studies’ or whatever is stamped on their diploma does not an expert make. I have no claims to be an expert in anything, but at least ‘when I was in school’ we were taught to slow down, think a bit, and try to determine what was more likely and what was less likely when it comes to the unknown. It’s seems more likely that nothing truly nefarious is going on. It seems likely that many of the sightings are human carrying aircraft or, as one commenter suggested, stars/planets/celestial objects that often appear to be moving relative to clouds… and this is more likely if the observer is in motion. I could be wrong and have often been mistaken, but at least I’m trying to think a bit (not easy the older I get).

That doesn’t make this situation safe by any means. I don’t fly at night, but I’m concerned for those who do. Knuckleheads abound and feeling justified by the news reports, some of that species may use more dangerous means to address the situation. Being lased is no joke and being a potential firearm target is beyond reason. Be careful out there, particularly at night. Even if there are more drones than usual, such things still constitute a flight hazard particularly if they are operating in our airspace and outside the FARs.

This is the latest news cycle hobby horse, but unfortunately such hobbies have negative consequences.

Off soapbox…

December 2024


Aren’t there already laws re use of UAVs?

Where are the police?

Busy of course because fiefdoms do not fund them adequately, some like Portland OR and Victoria BC act against policing. (SD61 in Victoria BC region even lies about students being afraid of police, persons of tribal genetics rebut the claims but the Board plunges ahead though the province may fire it.)

December 2024


Over four-hundred years ago, the Salem Colony had a similar outbreak of collective idiocy, sparked by an unseen force (women thinking for themselves) but fueled by a fear of the unknown. Does anyone else shudder at the exhortations of politicians for the government to “Do Something!”, while admitting ignorance of what the issue is? Or if there is an issue in the first place?

December 2024


Gov. Kathy Hochul to call for federal legislation to allow all levels of law enforcement to address the drones.

We don’t need all levels of law enforcement involved. We need the FAA to SAY SOMETHING.

December 2024


The level of political stupidity does not surprise me anymore. “We don’t know what they are, but they are not a national security threat.” I am sure it took some interesting mental gymnastics to say that with a serious demeanor. There are already rules in place for UAV operations, especially anything larger than a toy size unit, so we do not need more laws. Maybe the FAA should try some enforcement. How many DJI and other UAV have been sold over the past few years? A few hundred thousand? A million? At some point they will become common place appliances, just like cars.

December 2024


Some time in my past I learned a little bit of wisdom: When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras.

I think there are a lot of “zebras” running rampant right now.