Continue Discussion 12 replies
June 2022


Lots of bluff from a paper tiger. Communist China and North Korea have immense internal problems and need to do a Falklands to keep their oppressed citizens in check. They should study history - that did not go well for the thugs ruling Argentina in 1982. No need to provoke, their corrupt government will continue to rot from within. Note the dramatic growth in the underground Christian church there, the ultimate savior of the country. Christians answer to God, not to tyrants in China or elsewhere.

1 reply
June 2022


An obvious attempt by the chicoms to cause an engine failure. I see no difference between this and firing ordinance.

1 reply
June 2022 ▶ system


Which isn’t necessarily rational - read history of The Crusades.

Certainly oppression of beliefs other than current Chinese version of Communism, following Mao’s killings.

Doubt it’s just a Falklands type tactic, may be testing regarding Taiwan.

June 2022


I’m surprised RAAF isn’t recording video of these encounters.

1 reply
June 2022 ▶ system


I didn’t think of that. Great idea! Dash cams!

1 reply
June 2022 ▶ system


Since our government cannot do the basics well anymore, the navy may need to use a Libyan level response. A shame because a capable CIA could likely ground their fighters using the supply chain or some other trickery. A mission oriented State Department could likely arrange for international pressure. Instead our government vacillates between two sets of nutters all determined to manage our lives for us.

1 reply
June 2022 ▶ system


Maybe our intelligence agencies could get some instruction from the Israelis.

1 reply
June 2022 ▶ system


Dash Cam footage would be best-employed as an accompaniment to SPLASH Cam footage of the Chinese aircraft undergoing ocean disposal.

June 2022 ▶ system


So right You’re, William.

June 2022


I recommend high velocity forward firing chaff canisters, preferably steerable. Let the aggressor know how it feels to be subject to unwarranted and unsuspected chaff.

June 2022


Well, we can just get them back when they aggressively fly their military aircraft just outside of our airspace… What do you mean that never happens?

June 2022


Perhaps testing measures to disable aircraft without shooting them down.

Besides engines there’s A/C and APU intakes.