August 2022
This suggests a time when corporate espionage was the term used in the past to steal technology. Distrust in corporate partnerships isn’t new. China stealing technology is obvious and no different from Russia acquiring information. It’s small wonder how both haven’t been able to completely reverse engineer western technology. Perhaps another generation of education?
August 2022
Ayup, very good reason to divorce.
Amusing in context of plans for Putinssia to sell much energy to Communist China (requires building new pipelines in the east).
August 2022
This just proves the old saying, “There is no loyalty among thieves.” When Russian and China both collapse under the weight of tyranny and corruption, and we have an adult again in the White House, those countries will come begging for US-made aircraft and turbines. We should give them special pricing - double, for all the mayhem they cause the world.
1 reply
August 2022
▶ kent.misegades
Do infinity right You’re, Mr. Kent M…
August 2022
I’m mean to write So and not Do. Excuse me.
August 2022
Ahhh, another example of “No honor among thieves”, and include that Chinese collaborator Biden in with that mix of thieves.
August 2022
Russia actually believed China wouldn’t steal anything that wasn’t nailed down?
August 2022
Russia and China not getting along? Imagine that!
1 reply
August 2022
▶ pilotmww
Several years ago pundits were predicting war between Communist China and Russia.
August 2022
“When you lie down with snakes…”