4 replies
August 15


Praise and astonishment from “aviation enthusiasts”? They must be young enthusiasts since this type of ferry flight has been taking place for at least a decade now.

August 15


Not necessarily. Just because it wasn’t the first time it was accomplished, doesn’t diminish the risk, deprivation, and courage necessary to complete such a flight. Everything’s nominal, until it isn’t. Look at the crew still stuck on the Space Station. My only question is if “every inch of the aircraft’s interior was fitted with a fuel cell”, where did he stow his ditching gear, wing lockers?

For myself, the maximum range of my C172 is limited primarily by my wife’s bladder.

August 16


I’m pretty impressed, and glad I was not there :wink:

August 17


Meh… A friend of mine did this in the 70s & 80s before GPS and magenta lines made it more of an mental endurance event than an aeronautical challenge.