7 replies
August 2021


2450 hrs of testing! Maybe a couple thousand more should do it - just sayin

1 reply
August 2021


Yes, five years and counting in development, and “hopes to have it certified in 2013.”

And people wonder why press releases saying that the multitude of electric airplane and VTOL announcements stating “expects certification in the second quarter of next year” is met with skepticism?

2 replies
August 2021 ▶ system


Edit–“hopes to have it certifed in 2023”.

August 2021 ▶ jet36


2400 hours of testing makes the first owners of these aircraft test pilots. But they changed the make from Cessna to Beech craft so no worries, it is basically a single engine King Air and see how safe the king airs are. I am glad i will be retired when this finally comes to market in 2033.

August 2021 ▶ system


One should be skeptical of unrealistic certification estimates. If the skepticism didn’t always come with nasty rhetoric and insults about people trying anything except a slightly better version of what the speaker’s career, investment, or image depend upon it wouldn’t be a thing.

August 2021


I am familiar with the Catalyst program, and would fly behind the engine without any qualms. As to the airframe, perhaps Textron can get “compliance by comparative analysis” to the PC12.

August 2021


They changed the company name from Cessna to Beechcraft so they could charge twice as much for parts and service.